Put Deliberate Thinking To The Test

Hello Every­one! Can you be­lieve the hol­i­days are just around the cor­ner? WOW!

This month, I con­tinue to run across this quote by Mary Mor­ris­sey:

“Some peo­ple live for 90 years. Other peo­ple live one year 90 times and con­tinue to re­peat the same pat­terns that are not work­ing nor bring­ing ex­cite­ment into life”.

Which are you? Tak­ing an hon­est in­ven­tory, would you fit into the 90 years per­son, liv­ing with ex­cite­ment, hap­pi­ness, ful­fill­ment, love, ex­pan­sion? Be hon­est with your­self. Is your life filled with love? How about fi­nan­cial abun­dance? Are you thriv­ing or strug­gling? Does the work you do bring you joy and ful­fill­ment, or is it more like the daily grind?

I ask these ques­tions in the hopes of spark­ing an in­ter­est in those of you that want to stop re­peat­ing the one year pat­tern any longer in your life, but maybe don’t see any im­prove­ment com­ing any­time quickly. In his book “The Big Leap”, Gay Hen­dricks does a great job ex­plain­ing how we live a life filled with lim­its, based on our ex­pe­ri­ences, be­liefs and teach­ings through­out our life. And get this, the thing that de­ter­mines those lim­its is OUR THINK­ING! Our think­ing can lit­er­ally move moun­tains!

A lot of peo­ple don’t think they are lim­ited by their think­ing. They at­tribute their lim­it­less to their sit­u­a­tions, cir­cum­stances and con­di­tions sur­round­ing them. But it’s their think­ing that cre­ates those con­di­tions, sit­u­a­tions and cir­cum­stances. When­ever I meet some­one new go­ing into re­cov­ery, I tell them to get a spon­sor quickly and the rea­son is, if they don’t, they will be spon­sor­ing them­selves and that’s the per­son who got them there in the first place. It’s the same with all of us. Every one of my clients comes up against their lim­its (and usu­ally sev­eral times through­out our time work­ing to­gether) and has a per­fectly good ex­pla­na­tion as to why it is def­i­nitely sit­u­a­tional dri­ven. What they don’t get in their “right to be right” is growth and ex­panded hap­pi­ness, abun­dance. It’s when I get them to take re­spon­si­bil­ity for the sit­u­a­tion by dri­ving it back to their thoughts that they be­gin to in­crease their up­per limit!

In clos­ing, I chal­lenge you to take one thing in your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, con­di­tion or cir­cum­stance and pur­posely use dif­fer­ent thoughts about what­ever the sub­ject mat­ter is. In­stead of thoughts that feed into it as you cur­rently see it, start to have thoughts about what you’d like to see hap­pen or ex­pe­ri­ence, or who you’d like for it to be re­solved. Even if it seems fake. Try it for 5 days. Every time it comes up in your think­ing, pur­posely choose the higher thought. I’ll bet you ex­pe­ri­ence a dif­fer­ent out­come! I’d love to hear from any­one who takes this to the test!


Joseph A. Drol­sha­gen

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