A Sea­son for Giv­ing is About to Get Real!

Happy Hol­i­day Sea­son, Every­one! Hope you’re as ex­cited for all the events, peo­ple and cel­e­bra­tion of this time of year as I am! With each pass­ing day, I feel more child-like with the an­tic­i­pa­tion and ex­cite­ment of what’s to come. It was­n’t al­ways that way for this guy. In the not-so-dis­tant past, I dreaded the hol­i­days and every­thing en­tailed in them seemed like work and more ef­fort than I wanted to ex­ert. Quite hon­estly, I found this time of year to be de­press­ing and felt alone, even when sur­rounded with fam­ily and friends.

This year, all that’s changed! As I con­tinue to live in my pas­sion and my pur­pose, I’m so ex­cited to share this sea­son with those around me. And on top of that, I am su­per-duper stoked about a spe­cial gift that I’m go­ing to be shar­ing with you, start­ing in Jan­u­ary and it will con­tinue to build and ex­pand through June and I CAN­NOT WAIT!!

In mid-2019, through IFGT Life Coach­ing, LLC, I will be re­leas­ing a 12-week self-study pro­gram “The Hap­pi­ness Ex­per­i­ment” that has de­vel­oped out of my own per­sonal last ditch ef­fort to com­pletely giv­ing up on try­ing to find any real hap­pi­ness in life, into truly liv­ing a life I ab­solutely love! And I’ve de­cided to share the priv­i­lege of these ben­e­fits with you over the course of six months. “The Hap­pi­ness Ex­per­i­ment” has been tested and proven to bring about trans­for­ma­tion into Hap­pi­ness in the quick­est pos­si­ble time frame, with ex­cite­ment, fun and ease and I am go­ing to be shar­ing an ab­bre­vi­ated ver­sion of the pro­gram with you to ex­pand your hap­pi­ness be­yond your wildest dreams!

Be­fore we get into some of the de­tails of the pro­gram, I wanted to share one of my fa­vorite quotes with you; Dur­ing the Con­cord Con­ver­sa­tions from the mid 1800’s, Henry David Thoreau, when dis­cussing “Ask­ing Big­ger Ques­tions” made the state­ment “I want to do more than talk about this. I want to en­ter into an ex­per­i­ment”. That’s what I’m invit­ing you to do. To en­ter into an ex­per­i­ment with me. To bring more hap­pi­ness into your life than you ever thought pos­si­ble.

How it works. Each month, my Coaches Cor­ner col­umn here, will be com­mit­ted to pub­lish­ing con­tent di­rectly from the pro­gram, along with an at­tached au­dio con­tain­ing ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion as to the ap­pli­ca­tion of the ma­te­r­ial. Within the ar­ti­cle, I’ll be sug­gest­ing life work ex­er­cises that, if fol­lowed, will pro­pel you into true hap­pi­ness, from the in­side out! On top of this, for those of you want­ing to take this jour­ney into bring­ing even more hap­pi­ness into your life and the lives of those around you, I’ve set up a pri­vate Face­book group, The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment, to al­low you to ex­pand the depth of in­te­grat­ing this ma­te­r­ial into your life and af­ford you an av­enue to in­ter­act in be­tween monthly pub­li­ca­tions. You will be able to share your suc­cesses, ques­tions, and any strug­gles sur­round­ing im­ple­ment­ing this ma­te­r­ial more fully into your every­day life. In ad­di­tion, I’ll be re­spond­ing to all com­ments on the Face­book Group. So, in ad­di­tion to re­ceiv­ing all the life al­ter­ing ma­te­r­ial, con­tent and di­rec­tion to bring about real trans­for­ma­tion, you will also re­ceive free coach­ing tips di­rectly from the guy who lived and built this pro­gram!!

Each month, we’ll be dis­cussing ar­eas to bring in­stant up­lift­ing to your life that can last for the rest of your life! We will dis­cuss items such as:

Thoughts: The im­pact they have on your every­day life and gain­ing the con­trol over your think­ing
Ex­pec­ta­tions: To­wards oth­ers. From oth­ers. To­wards your­self and from your­self.
Abun­dance: Stop play­ing small and open the flood­gates in all ar­eas of your life.
For­give­ness: Start­ing with your­self and ex­tend­ing into re­la­tion­ships.
Self-Love: Awe­some tools to in­crease your love and car­ing for your­self.
Vi­sion: De­vel­op­ing an amaz­ing vi­sion for the live you would love to live.

This jour­ney is for those bold enough to “ask big­ger ques­tions” and those brave enough to “en­ter into an ex­per­i­ment” with them­selves and see if there is a level of hap­pi­ness and ful­fill­ment be­yond any­thing they’ve ex­pe­ri­enced up un­til now. And your only chance to do so com­pletely free of charge! The only thing I ask for in re­turn is for your feed­back upon com­ple­tion of the pro­gram in June.

Happy Hol­i­days to all. And for the Brave, The Bold, and The Ones who are un­will­ing to ac­cept that life can’t be any bet­ter, I’m so ex­cited to meet you and to show you how to LOVE YOUR LIFE even more!! Re­mem­ber to join the Face­book group The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment to­day!



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