Coaches Corner

Hello Every­one!

I am so hon­ored and ex­cited to be a part of this awe­some fam­ily of au­thors that has as­sem­bled within The Magic Hap­pens Mag­a­zine!

As a lil, get to know this guy: I have ded­i­cated my life to the awak­en­ing of life’s pas­sions, within my own walk as well as count­less oth­ers, I’ve had the priv­i­lege of work­ing with. I’ve been de­scribed pretty reg­u­larly as overly-op­ti­mistic within Cor­po­rate Amer­ica, where I have spent the past 20-some years, build­ing a ca­reer that was never my pas­sion. All the while study­ing, learn­ing and grow­ing into a Trans­for­ma­tional Coach, which I AM AB­SOLUTELY LOV­ING!!

Within the cor­po­rate arena, I built a ca­reer up to the level of VP of Sales, where I learned much, grew a lot, and re­ceived much suc­cess. Al­though I found no real in­ner ful­fill­ment like what I re­ceive from my coach­ing work.

I con­sider my­self to be some­what of an ex­pert on the topic of Trans­for­ma­tional Coach­ing. I am a stu­dent to life and I found early on, that I love gain­ing new un­der­stand­ings, in­sights and ex­pe­ri­enc­ing lifes-lessons (as I’ve coined it).

The real EX­CITE­MENT? There’s a 2,600 de­gree burn­ing flame within me that ig­nites as I go through my lessons, blocks, growths, awak­en­ings and ah-ha mo­ments. This helps me, to help oth­ers live what they love. That’s what keeps the home fires burn­ing for this guy! It’s ex­hil­a­rat­ing to as­sist some­one in break­ing through par­a­digms and to see them open up a whole new level of ex­is­tence for their life. I don’t be­lieve I could achieve a higher state of heart and soul than work­ing with oth­ers!

It would­n’t be hon­est of me if I did­n’t share that in all this pas­sion, I’ve reg­u­larly and con­sis­tently been de­scribed as a clown. In fact, I’ve been nick­named “class clown” even as a grown adult. That’s be­cause I love to seek and find hu­mor in every nook and cranny of life. With­out sound­ing like I’m plac­ing an ad for a dat­ing site, I love the out­doors and I find any­thing in na­ture to be spir­i­tual.

The far­ther down this path of life I go, the more I re­al­ize who I am is not re­ally de­fin­able. I be­lieve the same is true for all of us and the more we can let go of plac­ing de­scrip­tions on our­selves, the more ex­pan­sive our life will be­come.

I do have to say that I’m most proud of the gift of be­ing called fa­ther to an awe­some 22 year old man. Al­though he is my son, I look up to him for the per­son he is. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree with all of his de­ci­sions, but who he is within his heart just floors me! Funny thing, he con­tin­u­ally tells me that he has more ma­tu­rity at his age than I do at mine. I just smile and tell him “I hope it stays that way for me”

“Coaches Cor­ner” is in­tended to be light, fun, yet im­pact­ful. My in­ten­tion is to share con­cepts, ideas, thoughts and in­sights with you, in the hope that you will want to get in­volved in con­vers­ing to­gether on. I in­tend that there will be in­sights and tools you can uti­lize im­me­di­ately to ap­ply to your life and they will as­sist you in lov­ing your life as an even bet­ter ex­pe­ri­ence than it al­ready is.

As an ex­am­ple of the types of things I plan to write about, are you fa­mil­iar with Con­cord Con­ver­sa­tions, from the mid 1800’s?

This was a group of peo­ple who met in or­der to ask “big­ger ques­tions” of life. They met in the home of Ralph Waldo Emer­son, with at­ten­dees such as, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Louisa May Al­cott (wrote ‘Lit­tle Women’) and Henry David Thoreau. Their whole goal was to ask big­ger ques­tions in re­gards to top­ics such as wom­en’s rights and slav­ery and was based on Mr. Emer­son read­ing in the bible where Je­sus stated, “These and even greater things shall you do”. It was out of these con­ver­sa­tions, that the Tran­scen­den­tal­ist Move­ment grew.

Dur­ing these con­ver­sa­tions, Henry David Thoreau com­mented that he did­n’t want to just talk about these ideas and con­cepts of higher think­ing, he wanted to “En­ter into an ex­per­i­ment” of liv­ing it. And Mr. Thoreau did just that, over a mat­ter of two years, two months and two days, which is cap­tured in his book ‘Walden’.

Ul­ti­mately, my goal, as the au­thor of ‘Coaches Cor­ner’ is to in­vite you to en­ter into an ex­per­i­ment with me. Through writ­ing, re­ceiv­ing your com­ments and work­ing to­gether to keep the con­ver­sa­tion grow­ing, by ask­ing “BIG­GER ques­tions”. My hope is for us to be in com­mu­nion in set­ting aside com­mon-hour think­ing and raise the el­e­va­tion of thought and the ques­tions we ask, to ex­pe­ri­ence a higher level of ex­is­tence for all in­volved!

It’s im­por­tant to me that you know, the ma­te­r­ial I dis­cuss in my ar­ti­cles, the ideas, the con­cepts and even the take­aways are all true and tested. Ini­tially by yours truly (some­times by un­der­stand­ing what to do, while other times learn­ing what I should­n’t have done), and also through­out the last 20 years of my life that I have been as­sist­ing oth­ers re­al­ize their dreams and move into liv­ing the life they love! In my life, I’ve walked my path and learned my Lifes-Lessons. My main ob­jec­tive now, is to as­sist oth­ers in learn­ing from their past in or­der to open up a to­mor­row that they love! Over the course of these ex­cit­ing months ahead, you’ll come to know more about who I am, where I come from and what I went through to get to be the man I am to­day and I hope to learn the same about you. How awe­some will it be when our paths cross! Please feel free to leave a com­ment or I can be con­tacted at IFGT­coach­

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