Hero’s Journey

Wel­come to Coaches Cor­ner!

May is about your Hero’s Jour­ney, in the face of un­cer­tainty

Let’s face it, each and every one of us is in our Hero’s Jour­ney, whether we rec­og­nize it as such or not. Life as we know it is re­set­ting in all ar­eas of our life.


That my friend is a very pow­er­ful ques­tion. Some will get into the gloom and doom. Some will choose to play the critic. Some will choose to de­bate. AND many will choose to be part of the so­lu­tion by ris­ing up, tak­ing ac­tion and cre­at­ing the change that is so direly needed right now.

These have to be the most un­cer­tain times I’ve ex­pe­ri­enced in my life­time. I of­ten dis­cuss CNN (con­stant neg­a­tive news) and how easy it is to turn the fre­quency by chang­ing our fo­cus. In these times, that’s not re­ally prac­ti­cal as we need to know what’s go­ing on and what we can do about it. But while all this is go­ing around us, noth­ing says we can’t find grat­i­tude and bring our unique tal­ents to the so­lu­tion go­ing for­ward.

As one of my ways of bring­ing my Hero’s Jour­ney to the table, a lit­tle over a month ago, this idea came to me to start a Face­book page “Daily Grat­i­tude Chal­lenge”. The whole chal­lenge of the page is to post five grat­i­tude’s a day for two weeks. I can­not be­lieve how many peo­ple have shown up to do so and how the page is ex­pand­ing with grat­i­tude, joys, bless­ings, and laugh­ter, in the midst of the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing us.

Get­ting into a place of liv­ing from our cre­ativ­ity and grat­i­tude puts us at a much higher fre­quency to be able to place our at­ten­tion on “what we can do” ver­sus and per­ceived lim­i­ta­tions. So start your grat­i­tude list. If you want to have the sup­port of the com­mu­nity, click be­low to join the Face­book “Daily Grat­i­tude Chal­lenge” page    Daily Grat­i­tude Chal­lenge

The other area I am us­ing my tal­ents to serve is, on May 13th, I am host­ing a 4-week we­bi­nar pro­gram, Firm Foun­da­tion for free, to the first 25 peo­ple that reg­is­ter. This is typ­i­cally a $295.95 pro­gram. Dur­ing these four weeks, we will take all the emo­tional en­ergy tied to the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion and cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing you and uti­lize that en­ergy as fuel to launch your life be­yond what you could have achieved with­out this Dark Night ex­pe­ri­ence! We will travel from the Dark Night ex­pe­ri­ence into your Hero’s Jour­ney. We will dis­cover how to Har­vest the Good in all the un­cer­tainty sur­round­ing us and ul­ti­mately open the door to a world of new op­por­tu­ni­ties. This will be a weekly group call and lim­ited to 25 peo­ple, so reach out to­day.  Reg­is­ter Me

In what­ever you choose to do, please keep in mind, you al­ways hold the power of choice. You get to choose if you live in fear and anx­i­ety or from grat­i­tude and bless­ings. Liv­ing from a place of grat­i­tude is the quick­est and most pow­er­ful way to live in your cre­ativ­ity!

Be Blessed,

Joseph A. Drol­sha­gen


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