Let’s Celebrate Success

Let’s talk about SUC­CESS. How much time do you spend on a con­sis­tent ba­sis in your prob­lems? Those sit­u­a­tions, cir­cum­stances, and con­di­tions that are pulling at you. You know, the ar­eas that “every­thing will be great once you…”.

Let me ask you an­other ques­tion. Have you ever re­solved that sit­u­a­tion and found there is an­other one (or maybe two or three) that have re­placed it?


In my time in Cor­po­rate Amer­ica, I spe­cial­ized in lead­ing strug­gling com­pa­nies, ei­ther head­ing to­wards or in bank­ruptcy back into pow­er­ful and prof­itable or­ga­ni­za­tions.  Dur­ing my time of do­ing so, I no­ticed some com­mon themes among the mind­set of, not just the em­ploy­ees, but the se­nior lead­er­ship team as well. What I no­ticed is that the hu­man in­stinct to place all ef­forts and fo­cus on the prob­lems. What’s “go­ing wrong” and why the or­ga­ni­za­tion can’t meet the goals of the cus­tomers, the banks, and the board.  I have seen first­hand how this type of men­tal­ity builds mo­men­tum in the down­ward spi­ral.

This mind­set is­n’t re­served just for or­ga­ni­za­tions and cor­po­ra­tions ei­ther. I would with a lot of clients who spend their en­tire life “over­com­ing their ob­sta­cles”. What if those “ob­sta­cles” are the ac­tual path? That’s for an­other con­ver­sa­tion, but in re­gards to turn­ing around a busi­ness, a re­la­tion­ship, even one’s own trans­for­ma­tion, it’s so much eas­ier, more re­ward­ing and greater leaps when do­ing so through cel­e­brat­ing suc­cesses, ver­sus over­com­ing prob­lems.

It’s no se­cret (no pun in­tended) that where we place our AT­TEN­TION is where we are plac­ing our IN­TEN­TION. This is­n’t phi­los­o­phy, its physics. En­ergy goes where en­ergy flows. Your thoughts are en­ergy.  I hope I’m paint­ing a clearer pic­ture of how much eas­ier and re­ward­ing life can be when one fo­cuses on the so­lu­tion and suc­cesses.

As part of any turn­around or trans­for­ma­tion, I’m per­son­ally in­volved with, we spend time cel­e­brat­ing the suc­cesses. Note, I said CEL­E­BRATE. We don’t just list suc­cesses, we lit­er­ally cel­e­brate them. That is­n’t al­ways an easy thing to get folks to buy into at first. But re­mem­ber where about your AT­TEN­TION and your IN­TEN­TION. Fo­cus­ing on prob­lems alone only cre­ates more of the same. MORE PROB­LEMS

Fo­cus­ing on suc­cesses leads to so­lu­tions so much quicker and so­lu­tion-based think­ing. That’s why for this month, I chal­lenge you, set aside your prob­lems and pur­posely fo­cus on your suc­cesses. Re­ally get into the ex­cite­ment and cel­e­brate your suc­cesses and the suc­cesses of those around you. The tide never rises for one ship. As one suc­ceeds, we all suc­ceed!

And as you pur­posely place em­pha­sis on cel­e­brat­ing your suc­cesses see if you don’t no­tice you au­to­mat­i­cally ex­pe­ri­ence more suc­cesses.  It’s im­pos­si­ble not to. This is­n’t phi­los­o­phy, its physics. Where en­ergy flows, is what grows. It works for every area of your life.

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