Re­birth, Be­gin­ner Mind­set

Wel­come to Coaches Cor­ner. I’m so ex­cited to con­nect with you in this awe­some month or re­birth, based on the de­f­i­n­i­tion of re­birth be­ing, “start­ing to flour­ish or in­crease”.

  • What would you love to re-birth in your life this month?

  • What’s one thing you would love to be, do, have, give, cre­ate and ex­pe­ri­ence in this month?

  • What would just light up your life?

As the weather be­gins warm­ing and the trees be­gin to bloom, as the green be­gins ap­pear­ing in plush­ness across lawns and fields and shrubs, this is such a pow­er­ful op­por­tu­nity to dis­cuss the “Be­gin­ner Mind­set”. Within the be­gin­ner, mind­set is the re­birth of the next phase of your be­com­ing. I’m ex­cited to take this time and open up the po­ten­tial of an­other level of ex­pan­sion, growth and ig­nite that pas­sion at a deeper level with your life!

Through your life ex­pe­ri­ences you’ve learned a lot about life, right? You’ve learned some things that you ab­solutely love about life and you want to re­peat them over and over again. You’ve also most likely learned some lessons that you would choose never ever, ever to re­peat again. There are ar­eas of your life that you have mas­tered and there are ar­eas you’re presently mas­ter­ing, but over­all the ex­pe­ri­ences you’ve en­coun­tered in your life and your per­cep­tion of those en­coun­ters are part of how you op­er­ate in your life on a daily ba­sis.

We all have a be­gin­ner’s mind­set. Al­lot of peo­ple shift in and out of the be­gin­ner mind­set sub­con­sciously with­out even re­al­iz­ing it. For in­stance, if you take a class on a sub­ject you know noth­ing about, you have a dif­fer­ent mind­set than if you were in­volved in some­thing that you do have ex­pe­ri­ence with, right? If you can see that dif­fer­ence, would it be pos­si­ble for you to prac­tice, or play with ex­pand­ing the ar­eas of your life that you “al­ready know”?

Some peo­ple live for 90 years. Other peo­ple live 1-year, 90 times and they con­tinue to re­peat the same pat­terns and par­a­digms that are no longer serv­ing them. Those 1-year peo­ple never move to­wards un­der­stand­ing.

“The num­ber of years we live is lim­ited, but your life does­n’t have to be”                                                                                                                                 –  Joseph A Drol­sha­gen

Let’s take this month and break­through that 1-year men­tal­ity into liv­ing your re­main­ing years in pas­sion with more pur­pose and em­pow­er­ment. In or­der to do so, I want to dis­cuss the av­enue of do­ing so through the “Be­gin­ner mind­set”.

I’ve learned to take a few mo­ments at the start of my day to pur­posely place my­self in the be­gin­ner’s mind­set. I do this by re­mind­ing my­self, “I know what worked yes­ter­day and the day be­fore that and the day be­fore that. How­ever, I have not lived this day ever be­fore and I am open to ex­pand­ing and grow­ing from within in this brand new day to ex­pe­ri­ence new aware­ness, new op­por­tu­ni­ties, new in­sights to evolve, ex­pand and ig­nite my life within this very day.”

In the coach­ing and speak­ing that I do, I’ve come to re­al­ize there are two kinds of peo­ple I come across. There are those who tell me what they need to do, how they need to do it, when there need to do so and where they need to do what­ever they are at­tempt­ing to do.

Then there are those who come to me and state some­thing the typ­i­cally in­cludes, “I’m stuck. I need help. How”. And I’ve learned these are the peo­ple I can best serve. Even in my coach­ing calls, I have to some­times re­mind my clients that they are as­so­ci­at­ing with “what they know”, not what they can gain.

If you be­lieve the pur­pose of our life is to con­tinue to grow, ex­pand and cre­ate, as I do, then as much as we lock our­selves into what we know, the smaller the chance of be­ing open to what we can learn.

Have you ever read a book and some­time later re-read it and it seems like part of it has been rewrit­ten? The rea­son for this ex­pe­ri­ence is be­cause you are not the same per­son you were when you read the book the first time. You’ve learned new things. You’ve ex­pe­ri­enced new ex­pe­ri­ences in that time be­tween read­ing the book. Yet so many peo­ple hang on in­sights they had months, years and decades ago. It’s such a lim­it­ing mind­set.

The be­gin­ner mind­set is­n’t au­to­matic and does­n’t al­ways come nat­u­rally. Just take a minute and think about when you hear in­for­ma­tion. Do you process it by re­lat­ing it to what you al­ready know or do you hear it as the po­ten­tial to grow what you al­ready know? Your an­swer to this ex­per­i­ment will come to you and there is no judg­ment whichever your an­swer is. BUT there is more ex­pan­sion avail­able to you if you can get into that place of be­ing open to ex­pand what you al­ready know.

Let’s start a con­ver­sa­tion. Leave a com­ment stat­ing what you do to main­tain a Be­gin­ner Mind­set?

Article written for Coaches Corner, The Magic Happens Magazine, April 2020 Edition

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