Res­o­lu­tions with 20/​20 Vi­sion

Happy New Year Every­one!! I hope you’ve made a de­ci­sion to bring 20/20 vi­sion into this new decade and not set­tle for any­thing less than liv­ing the life you ab­solutely love!

New Year Res­o­lu­tions get such a bad rap. I have found it is­n’t the res­o­lu­tion that’s faulty. It’s the man­ner in which we go about ap­ply­ing the process is where they fade and ul­ti­mately fail. Do you get ex­cited in the plan­ning on your res­o­lu­tions for the New Year, with a mind­set that it’s fail-proof? Pos­si­bly you share it with oth­ers in or­der to gain sup­port to­wards your big change. Maybe even take a step into join­ing the ex­er­cise class or some ac­tion to­wards your de­ci­sion for change?

Com­ing into the New Year, there is strength and de­ter­mi­na­tion into your res­o­lu­tion, right? How long does it last for you? A day? A week? A month? How long be­fore that pow­er­ful res­o­lu­tion you had be­gins to fade and even­tu­ally fiz­zles out? You are not alone. Gyms of­fer spe­cial of­fers right be­fore the end of the year be­cause they know that’s when peo­ple are most vul­ner­a­ble to sign up for an­nual mem­ber­ship. And the clever ones even of­fer a month free.

For years in my life I would write any­where from one to 25 (I be­lieve is my high­est) New Year Res­o­lu­tions. The list would in­clude things like eat­ing healthy, ex­er­cise, read­ing, lose weight, be friend­lier, spend more time vol­un­teer­ing… along with nu­mer­ous other ways of what and how I wanted to change my life to live fuller and be a bet­ter per­son.

AND I MEANT IT! Every sin­gle one of them.

I want to dis­cuss two very im­por­tant points for you, in the hopes you will de­cide to choose more for your life than the ol’ New Year res­o­lu­tions for your life.  What I was miss­ing in all those res­o­lu­tions was my THINK­ING and my POWER.

In re­gards to your THINK­ING, Ein­stein said, “You can­not solve a prob­lem us­ing the same think­ing that cre­ated it”.

Of all the changes I’ve made in my life. The par­a­digms I’ve as­sisted hun­dreds of clients to bust through and the many pat­terns I’ve had the honor of shift­ing in my clients lives all came at times when out­side sup­port, guid­ance, and ac­count­abil­ity were in­volved. That’s what I be­lieve Ein­stein was elud­ing to. New Thoughts.

Now some might re­ceive life-chang­ing re­sults from read­ing books or lis­ten­ing to pro­grams. That is­n’t how it’s worked for me, or the clients I serve. Per­son­ally, even af­ter in­vest­ing tens of thou­sands of dol­lars into my cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, I hung my sign and con­tin­ued to come up short in the re­sults I was ex­pect­ing.

Many of my clients say this same thing. “Once I be­came will­ing to in­vest in my­self and get a coach in my life, every­thing turned around in the re­sults and break­throughs I was ex­pe­ri­enc­ing”.

In or­der to ex­pe­ri­ence some­thing dif­fer­ent, we have to do some­thing dif­fer­ent!

The sec­ond point I’d like to make is in re­gards to our POWER. We have this mighty power within us and so of­ten we for­get it’s even there. The power of AC­TION. We have the power to take ac­tion at any time to cre­ate the changes to our pat­terns, lim­it­ing thoughts and be­hav­iors, yet it’s worth­less un­til we pick it up and em­ploy it into our lives.

Res­o­lu­tions are no dif­fer­ent from any other mo­ti­vat­ing ex­pe­ri­ence we have. Do you re­mem­ber a time when you heard a pow­er­ful mes­sage or read­ing some­thing that just blew you away when you heard it? What long term ef­fect has it had on you?

I have a close friend who has been dis­cussing his life sit­u­a­tion be­ing un­ful­fill­ing and just does­n’t feel much like he is re­ally liv­ing. More like he’s just ex­ist­ing. Do you ever feel that way? Dur­ing this time pe­riod he and I dis­cussed some tools to change that in his life, al­though he has­n’t taken any ac­tion on em­ploy­ing those tools. He reached out to me on Sun­day with all kinds of ex­cite­ment go­ing on.

He stated he heard the per­fect mes­sage at ser­vice and it gave him the in­sight and mo­ti­va­tion to com­pletely change his sit­u­a­tion. I could feel his ex­cite­ment and de­ter­mi­na­tion for how this in­for­ma­tion would change his life. He had this and noth­ing could stop him!

I spoke to him to­day and he is right back to where he was prior to that ser­vice on Sun­day. Life is mun­dane, un­happy, blah. Why do you think that is?

I will tell you why… With­out AC­TION, no amount of in­spi­ra­tion, mo­ti­va­tion and any other ways you might de­scribe the jolts we get from time to time is pow­er­ful enough on its own to bring about any last­ing changes. I tell at­ten­dees of my work­shop reg­u­larly that there is 72-hour shelf life of the po­ten­tial to lit­er­ally in­cor­po­rate changes from a point of in­spi­ra­tion, with­out ac­tion. Af­ter 72 hours, we fade back into our pat­terns, par­a­digms and lim­it­ing be­liefs. Our com­fort zone.

If you can’t say that truly love every area of your life and you’ve made the de­ci­sion that 2020 will be the year you change that job, get into shape, find that great love re­la­tion­ship or find more love in your cur­rent re­la­tion­ship, travel to that dream va­ca­tion, get that sav­ings to the level you de­sire, what­ever that IT is for you, I can help you so­lid­ify that de­ci­sion in con­crete.

If 2020 is go­ing to be your year, claim it and then take the ac­tion of reach­ing out and let me be tena­cious to­wards your re­sults!

Article written for Coaches Corner, The Magic Happens Magazine, January 2020

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