
Sea­sons come and sea­sons go… The de­ci­sions you make and ac­tions you take to­day will de­ter­mine the rest of your life!

Octo­ber is all about tran­si­tion. As we move from the sea­son of sum­mer into fall, I am ex­cited at the pos­si­bil­i­ties await­ing all of us. Along with the weather sea­sons, there are sea­sons in our life. With each new sea­son, there is so much po­ten­tial to GROW and EX­PAND into liv­ing more of what you would love to ex­pe­ri­ence life as! Be­cause of that, this mon­th’s “Coaches Cor­ner” is ded­i­cated to uti­liz­ing this sea­son to kick off the ab­solute BEST SEA­SON OF YOUR LIFE!

Does­n’t that sound ex­cit­ing?

As I be­gan build­ing my vi­sion for this new sea­son in my life, I re­al­ized I was ex­pe­ri­enc­ing feel­ings of dis­con­tent sur­round­ing my liv­ing con­di­tions. Now don’t get me wrong, I am re­ally blessed to own my home in the moun­tains of South Car­olina, a mere one hour away from this awe­some apart­ment I’m for­tu­nate to have, right in down­town Greenville. I re­ally get to en­joy the best of both worlds be­tween the two places. But this dis­con­tent re­mained stub­born and con­tin­u­ous.

At first, I would push it aside and get back into my grat­i­tude’s of “how for­tu­nate and blessed I am to be able to live life this way.” But the dis­con­tent just gained strength. That’s what I mean when I state, “get­ting to that place of be­ing sick and tired of be­ing sick and tired.” It does­n’t have to be about run­ning one’s life into the ground. It’s sim­ply de­sir­ing change.

As I be­gan to lean into the dis­con­tent by giv­ing it a voice (so to speak), I was re­minded of my vi­sion to live mo­bile and travel across the coun­try in a mo­tor home, trai­ler­ing my mo­tor­cy­cle be­hind. What I came to re­al­ize is that dis­con­tent was nudg­ing me to let me know, “this is my sea­son to step into that ad­ven­ture.” So, as I write this ar­ti­cle, I’m man­i­fest­ing a mo­tor home and ten­ants to take over my lease and adding clar­ity to my vi­sion of liv­ing on the road. It gets amaz­ing on what’s show­ing up as I al­low! We’ll save that for an­other time, but both are show­ing up in mul­ti­ple ways.


What area of your life would you love to ex­pe­ri­ence more pas­sion? More ful­fill­ment?

  • Maybe for you it’s your health and well be­ing. Get­ting those check­ups or ini­ti­at­ing that ex­er­cise pro­gram, or sched­ul­ing that mas­sage that you just haven’t found the time for.

  • Maybe your fo­cus is find­ing that great love, or reignit­ing pas­sion within your cur­rent re­la­tion­ship.

  • Is it your job and fig­ur­ing out how to feel more ex­cite­ment about what you do? Or could it be that you know what you would re­ally love to do but there is that “how” ques­tion or fear that seems to keep block­ing you.

  • Or maybe it’s find­ing more time and money free­dom to do what you want to do, when you want to do so.

What­ever it is, I can promise you my friend, these sea­sons will con­tinue to come and go re­gard­less if you take ac­tion on your dreams or not. And with each new sea­son we all grow a lit­tle older. We can never get this time back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

So, be­fore this sea­son passes you by, why not use this mo­ment in time to make your mark on when your awe­some life started? Just take a cou­ple sec­onds to go within and ac­cess that part of you that knows “there has to be more than your cur­rently ex­pe­ri­enc­ing.”

Your only limit will al­ways ever be, YOU?

I chal­lenge you to take a bold ac­tion to sched­ule the com­pli­men­tary, 60-minute Strat­egy Ses­sion I’m of­fer­ing you and let’s have fun spend­ing an hour bring­ing laser fo­cus into what’s pos­si­ble for you and your life! You can sched­ule your ses­sion at,  Un­leash the Pas­sion!

Article written for Coaches Corner, The Magic Happens Magazine, October 2019

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