You Are Unique

What makes you unique? Re­ally. Have you ever put thought into see­ing what makes you unique from every­body else?

The rea­son I ask you this ques­tion is I am find­ing more and more peo­ple I meet are liv­ing as though they are one of the crowd. In­stead of liv­ing

hat are not liv­ing full out in their life they haven’t fig­ured out where their unique gifts were their unique tal­ents are how they are unique from every­body else so what can hap­pen a lot of times a lit­tle bring us back into liv­ing in that com­par­i­son mode where we’re com­par­ing our­selves to other peo­ple.

What I have found in my own life is when I lived in that com­par­i­son world, ei­ther every­body was bet­ter than me or, on the other side, I was bet­ter than them. It was­n’t a very good in­ter­ac­tion that I had with peo­ple back then and to­day it would be the same way. The per­son com­par­ing never wins.

There are some amaz­ing things that come with fig­ur­ing out what’s unique about one­self. You be­gin to see how we stand out along with how oth­ers stand out in their unique ways. It re­moves that whole low vi­bra­tion com­par­ing liv­ing.

Liv­ing through your unique­ness opens a door up for you to step into this world be­ing who you au­then­ti­cally are, which opens you to more op­por­tu­ni­ties to move fur­ther into liv­ing life by your own de­sign.

An­other ben­e­fit is that you no longer have the ten­dency to de­cide who you are based on oth­ers opin­ions. I have found when­ever I’m around peo­ple and they try to tell me that I’m this or that that I’m able to thank them and stand in my own truth. Even more ex­pan­sive, I don’t have to en­ter­tain the in­ter­nal ques­tions and thoughts of what they said. I can re­lease and keep be­ing me! I no longer need any­body else’s in­put into who I am.

Liv­ing through my unique­ness is what ul­ti­mately led to me re­sign­ing from Cor­po­rate Amer­ica and step­ping out, gain­ing mul­ti­ple cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, and go­ing for­ward with my de­sire to in­spire, mo­ti­vate and lead peo­ple to live bet­ter lives and I love my life! I love the im­pact I get to have in peo­ple’s lives.

For ex­am­ple, I love it when I get to as­sist some­one strug­gling in a re­la­tion­ship to reignite the love back into their mar­riage like they are new­ly­weds again.

I love help­ing peo­ple who are work­ing jobs that they can’t stand and are not ful­filled, work­ing for the pay­check to ex­pe­ri­enc­ing step­ping into liv­ing their Awe­some Vi­sion of their life work. Charged up and pas­sion­ate about their works and the im­pact it’s hav­ing.

I love help­ing peo­ple who are go­ing through life and strug­gling with health and well-be­ing and they feel like life is just one is­sue af­ter an­other and they just can’t tap into the en­ergy zone of within them­selves to tap­ping into their ge­nius mind­set within them­selves. And to see them en­er­gized and liv­ing vi­brant in their life and truly feel­ing like they’re grow­ing younger which is each pass­ing year.

I love help­ing peo­ple that are ex­pe­ri­enc­ing fi­nan­cial strug­gles to see things in a dif­fer­ent light. To shift their pat­terns and par­a­digms that are keep­ing them im­pris­oned in a mediocre life ex­pe­ri­enc­ing an abun­dance of fi­nances in all ar­eas of their life.

So in this month, as the sea­son changes and the leaves are drop­ping as fall col­ors are com­ing out in bloom, take a lit­tle bit “You Time” to go to the park or na­ture by the wa­ter what­ever your fa­vorite places, and visit the ques­tion, “What is unique about you”.

If you haven’t spent time this way lately, it might take some pa­tience at first, but I promise you, once you crack that door, you will re­al­ize op­por­tu­ni­ties that are presently pass­ing you by!

Please keep your com­ments com­ing in, I love the con­ver­sa­tions they spark.

One other thing to share with you is we started a group of mo­ti­va­tors in a Face­book group. It’s free to join and filled with in­spi­ra­tion, mo­ti­va­tion, and tools. We also hold weekly Face­book lives, specif­i­cally within the group, which in­clude on-spot coach­ing and Q&A. We do a lot to serve like-minded peo­ple. So go join the Ig­nite Suc­cess In­sti­tute Face­book group to­day, so you don’t miss out!

Have an awe­some month and God Bless!

Joseph A. Drol­sha­gen



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