I want to ded­i­cate this mon­th’s col­umn to clar­ity. With every­thing go­ing on around us right now. With things start­ing to open back up as we are still see­ing in­creases in the num­ber of virus cases, this can be a re­ally con­fus­ing time for peo­ple.

Hear­ing all the me­dia, lis­ten­ing to all the hype, even in con­ver­sa­tions, hear­ing all the dif­fer­ent points of view go­ing on back and forth, with what’s go­ing on in the world and who thinks what, it can lead to a state of con­fu­sion and ul­ti­mately frus­tra­tion.

So, should you be held up at home? Is it OK to go­ing back out and join­ing back into so­ci­ety? Should we be wear­ing masks every­where we go, or not wear­ing masks? Is it still nec­es­sary to hoard toi­let pa­per? The ques­tions can go on and on and can eas­ily lead to a state of up­set and maybe even anger in your every­day liv­ing. Liv­ing in this state of be­ing can pull down and greatly min­i­mize what would nor­mally be huge bless­ings in your life.

That is pre­cisely why I chose to ded­i­cate this month to CLAR­ITY. In­stead of lis­ten­ing to all the out­side noise (me­dia, tele­vi­sion, emails, other peo­ple’s opin­ions) GO WITHIN! Go within your­self for your an­swers. Go with whether you call it your Gut Feel­ing, your In­ner Guid­ance Sys­tem, your In­tu­ition. How­ever you re­fer to your built-in nav­i­ga­tional sys­tem, let that guide you. You can uti­lize this time to build your con­nec­tion to that tool even stronger, which can then ex­pand into all ar­eas of your life as we move be­yond this time.

Your in­tu­ition is your built-in Google search en­gine. It has an an­swer to every ques­tion you have. Your in­tu­ition is one of your six men­tal fac­ul­ties, which are al­ways avail­able to you. Every­one’s in­tu­ition op­er­ates per­fectly. You may not rec­og­nize its voice, but it’s there and it’s avail­able any­time you de­cide to rely on it. All you have to do is,

  • Find the calm

  • Ask

  • Lis­ten for your an­swer

Your in­tu­ition will al­ways re­spond if you’re lis­ten­ing. It may come in the sense of a hunch, an idea. Maybe a dream or a vi­sion or in con­ver­sa­tion with some­one. But a re­sponse will show it­self.

“The Voice Of Truth (In­tu­ition) is only as loud as our will­ing­ness to lis­ten”

~  Gandhi

So in­stead of fol­low­ing the merry-go-round, find your calm and ask your­self ques­tions. Ques­tions like, “what’s the best thing for me” and al­low the re­sponse to come to you. Fol­low your in­ner guid­ance sys­tem and you will be just fine. You will no­tice more clar­ity in your every­day liv­ing. You no­tice that your de­ci­sions con­tinue lead­ing you to your next ac­tion which will re­sult in liv­ing your life more by your de­sign.

In other words, I am re­fer­ring to liv­ing a pur­pose-dri­ven life, re­spond­ing to sit­u­a­tions and sit­u­a­tions, ver­sus liv­ing a re­ac­tive life, based on your sit­u­a­tions, cir­cum­stances and con­di­tions sur­round­ing you, which are plen­ti­ful presently for us all.

Get into that place of fol­low­ing your in­tu­ition, your gut feel­ing, your in­ner guid­ance sys­tem. Ex­press grat­i­tude for all that you have in your life and en­joy your bless­ings!

Article written for Coaches Cor­ner, The Magic Happens Magazine, June 2020 Edition

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