Part One- Shifting Your Paradigms

Wel­come to 2019 Every­one!!

Wel­come to the year that is go­ing to be your be­gin­ning to your best life EVER!!


Wel­come to “The Hap­pi­ness Ex­per­i­ment”, where the whole goal is to in­crease your over­all hap­pi­ness in all ar­eas of your life. And to do so be­yond a mo­men­tary glimpse and in­stead, make life long changes in the level of hap­pi­ness you ex­pe­ri­ence in your live! “Some peo­ple live for 90 years, and other peo­ple live 1 year 90 times and con­tinue to re­peat the pat­terns that are not serv­ing them”. The tools you’ll learn over the next six months will as­sist you in liv­ing at a higher vi­bra­tion than your con­di­tions, cir­cum­stances and sit­u­a­tions. Con­sider that, com­pared to be­ing pulled into the muck of cir­cum­stances that show up in your life. Sit­u­a­tions such as econ­omy and the re­cent an­nounce­ment of Gen­eral Mo­tors clos­ing fa­cil­i­ties. Hol­i­days with fam­ily. What would you add to this list?

What would your say is the num­ber one fac­tor dri­ving the level of hap­pi­ness you ex­pe­ri­ence in your life on a daily ba­sis? You’re past ex­pe­ri­ences? Your up­bring­ing? Your life sit­u­a­tion? What is it for you?

Most are sur­prised when I tell them, “It’s your think­ing”.

Of the re­main­der of peo­ple who are not sur­prised, I’ve found they still have the em­phases of their thoughts based on their cir­cum­stances, sit­u­a­tions and con­di­tions they find them­selves in. Or to­wards the pull to live in con­stant neg­a­tive news and/or drama. Some strug­gle with peo­ple pleas­ing habits they just can’t break. I find it ex­tremely sad how many peo­ple I come across that that live, just like I used to, con­tin­u­ally hav­ing an out­look to­wards dis­as­ter and neg­a­tiv­ity, and spend their lives work­ing dili­gently to “avoid the next dis­as­ter”. In my own life. Or in the con­stant bat­tle to “catch up” in some area of life. For my­self, I found I had to get to a point of ask­ing my­self “why”. Why did I thrive on liv­ing life with a com­bat­ive mind­set and a neg­a­tive, fear­ful out­look? Why, for so many years of my life did I feel so strongly that I had just enough to make it fi­nan­cially? Why had every love re­la­tion­ship I ex­pe­ri­enced felt like a re­peat of “try­ing to make it good” af­ter the new­ness wore out. Why did I al­ways seem to come up short on achiev­ing the things most im­por­tant to me, and when I had achieved what­ever it was, it did­n’t carry the ex­cite­ment I thought it would.

What a great il­lus­tra­tion for how our thoughts cre­ate our life. So what about you? Are you stuck in neg­a­tive thoughts? Do you get pulled into the dra­ma’s of life? Are you ex­pe­ri­enc­ing liv­ing your ab­solute dream life with pas­sion and ex­cite­ment? Do you wake up Mon­day ex­cited about the week ahead?

What if you were guar­an­teed for 2019 to be the be­gin­ning of a whole new voy­age in your life and be the be­gin­ning of your best year ever? What would love to ex­pe­ri­ence in 2019 that would make it the be­gin­ning of a brand new you? Would your health and well-be­ing be a part of that ex­cite­ment for you? With a new vi­brancy for life, would you bounce out of bed in the morn­ing, with ex­cite­ment to get your day go­ing? Or would you spend some time feel­ing your grat­i­tude’s and move into your day at a re­laxed pace?  And what about your life work? What would liv­ing in your cre­ativ­ity, do­ing what you love look like? How would you spend your weeks? What would it feel like on Mon­day morn­ing, do­ing what you ab­solutely love?

How about your re­la­tion­ships. For those in a re­la­tion­ship, does it have the pas­sion, love and close­ness that you de­sire to ex­pe­ri­ence? What would that look like for you? For those seek­ing that spe­cial love re­la­tion­ship, what does that look like for you? Can I imag­ine hold­ing that per­son’s hand? In your vi­sion, does even a close hug feel like there is too much dis­tance be­tween you? Do you miss that per­son when you’re apart? What is that awe­some love vi­sion for you?

What about your time and money free­dom. What’s on your bucket list for “some­day”? if you had a magic wand and could put your­self any­place you de­sired, where would you be and what might you be do­ing? Would you be in Hawaii, wak­ing up hear­ing the ocean, look­ing out at a ma­jes­tic view that makes you feel like you’re in heaven? Or would you be tour­ing Eu­rope tak­ing in all the cul­ture and beau­ti­ful sights, meet­ing new peo­ple through­out your trav­els? What is that vi­sion for you? Where are you? What are you do­ing? Who are you do­ing it with?

Michael Singer speaks in his book, “The Un­teth­ered Soul” about how the pur­pose of our mind is to as­sist us in solv­ing com­plex prob­lems. In­stead, we let our minds and thoughts lead us through our life. That’s why it makes sense for our fo­cus of this month is to spend time tak­ing back some of that own­er­ship of our thoughts.

“You are not re­spon­si­ble for the first thought that goes through your mind. But you are re­spon­si­ble for buy­ing is a condo with a built in pool, ten­nis court and so on.”
~ Joseph A. Drol­sha­gen

This is not about forc­ing out ini­tial thoughts we don’t want to have. This is ALL about notic­ing that ini­tial thought and pur­posely de­cid­ing which we want to live by and which we want to dis­card! The ul­ti­mate goal of this ex­er­cise is that by notic­ing what you’re notic­ing, you will start to see your process of your think­ing pat­terns. Once you make this con­nec­tion, we can go on to part 2 of the ex­er­cise, which is to in­ten­tion­ally re­place that thought with a thought you do want to ex­pe­ri­ence.

I hope you’ve reg­is­tered on “The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment” Face­book page so that you can get the full ex­pe­ri­ence of this ex­per­i­ment, along with in­sights and tools you can ap­ply that will im­me­di­ately in­crease your level of hap­pi­ness, wher­ever you cur­rent are! This is a great way to al­low 2019 to be that be­gin­ning of your ab­solute best life ever!! You can reach me at Joseph@IFGT­ if I can be of as­sis­tance to you in open­ing up your level of hap­pi­ness in any way!

And a heart­felt thank you to all of you who do con­nect, whether it’s com­ments, emails, or my other so­cial me­dia con­tact points!

Many Bless­ings,


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