Part Two- Shifting Your Paradigms

Wel­come to Feb­ru­ary!! This is al­ready turn­ing out to be such an awe­some year of Abun­dance, Love and Pas­sion! And it’s not just in my life, the feed­back com­ing in from The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment is over­whelm­ing with in­sights and in­creased lev­els of hap­pi­ness in spite of cir­cum­stances, sit­u­a­tions and con­di­tions of every­day life and every­body is get­ting so much out of their ex­per­i­ment! It’s not too late, if you have joined the Face­book Group “The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment” go in and do so. You will find the group by search­ing The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment in Face­book groups. You still have time to back­track through Jan­u­ary and get caught up in Feb­ru­ary to grow your in­sight with re­gards to in­creas­ing your level of Hap­pi­ness through­out your life. We spent Jan­u­ary fo­cus­ing on our think­ing and through the Face­book group, prac­tic­ing notic­ing our thoughts, re­al­iz­ing we have say so into which thoughts we grab hold of with which we no longer al­low to grab hold of us.

Feb­ru­ary is ded­i­cated to the sec­ond of the six phases. Shift­ing Your Par­a­digms, re­leas­ing Vic­tim-hood and re­ally grab­bing hold of the POWER within you.

So, if you’re fol­low­ing the group from Jan­u­ary, you now have some tools to help you

  1. No­tice what your notic­ing, in re­gards to your think­ing

  2. Have tools to as­sist you in shift­ing from neg­a­tive non-serv­ing thoughts to em­pow­er­ing thoughts that will lead you in the di­rec­tion of your dreams.

This month is ded­i­cated to work­ing on and mak­ing that shift and over­all up­lift­ing your level of every­day hap­pi­ness.

Google de­fines Par­a­digm as, “A typ­i­cal ex­am­ple or pat­tern of some­thing. A model.”

A lot of what I do as a coach is as­sist in­di­vid­u­als and groups in

  1. Iden­ti­fy­ing the pre­sent par­a­digms hold­ing their limit to the amount of life they ex­pe­ri­ence

  2. Shift­ing those par­a­digms and open­ing up a level of liv­ing they only dreamed of

  3. The abil­ity to move for­ward in their life con­tin­u­ing to ex­pend and shift par­a­digms to open more and more free­dom within their life.

Par­a­digms set the lim­its for how much we en­joy life. How much achieve­ment we ex­pe­ri­ence. The mark we leave be­hind when we pass. How our chil­dren per­ceive them­selves. Par­a­digms touch every vein of our alive­ness and are the core to how much abun­dance we ex­pe­ri­ence in every area of our life.

Our think­ing is largely based on our past ex­pe­ri­ences, be­liefs and pat­terns that we have re­peated over and over and over again in our life. When a fa­mil­iar sit­u­a­tion takes place in our life, we can al­most run on au­topi­lot with our thoughts and emo­tions. I can tell you first hand, this is­n’t the way to a vi­sion dri­ven life. I spent many years of my life, hop­ing for change, yet run­ning the same pat­terns again and again and won­der­ing why things never seemed to change in my cir­cum­stances, con­di­tions and sit­u­a­tions. In or­der to ex­pe­ri­ence more hap­pi­ness in my life, I had to be­come will­ing to do things dif­fer­ent. Dur­ing my early years, I did­n’t even know I was sup­posed to do some­thing dif­fer­ent. I re­ally thought some peo­ple are blessed. Like some elite group­ing. Sounds silly, but who has­n’t thought the same in re­gards to fi­nan­cial riches? Find­ing that great love? Liv­ing life fully?

So, I want to plant this seed. If you re­ally knew you were meant for GREAT­NESS dur­ing your life time, would you view the world dif­fer­ently? Would you see your­self dif­fer­ently if you knew you have a des­tiny that no other hu­man be­ing would be able to ful­fill ex­cept for you? What if you knew every sit­u­a­tion or hard­ship you ever have or would ever ex­pe­ri­ence was al­ready worked out in a way that is de­signed to as­sist you in meet­ing your des­tiny? Ul­ti­mately, my ques­tion is, could you al­low your­self to live freer, hap­pier, more ad­ven­ture­some if you knew and were more aware of the truths you live in?

Here is where the up­lift­ing comes into play. As hu­man be­ings, we each have a choice to live by “facts” or to live by “truths.” FACTS, are the events that hap­pen sur­round­ing us in our di­rect lives, com­mu­ni­ties we live in, states and even coun­tries and “who did what to whom.” FACTS are also very mo­men­tary. They can change in­stantly. TRUTHS, on the other hand, re­main con­stant. TRUTHS are who we are. TRUTH is a mighty power, breath­ing within each of us, each and every day of our lives. This power is greater than any sit­u­a­tion or cir­cum­stance you will ever face. The truth is, that we each have a di­rect link to that power any time we de­sire to call upon It. We live in a time in which there are awe­some tools to as­sist in build­ing stronger TRUTHS. I’ve se­lected some of the top tools to share in the Face­book group The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment for Feb­ru­ary. The over­all shift this month, is to stop think­ing and see­ing the world through the skewed view of your par­a­digms, non-serv­ing pat­terns and in­stead, start open­ing your eyes to what’s pos­si­ble. What you’re truly ca­pa­ble of. What you would love to ex­pe­ri­ence in your life, rather than your pre­sent cir­cum­stances. Look­ing for­ward to con­tin­u­ing our ex­per­i­ment and if you have joined us, what are you wait­ing for? Lol

Have a Blessed Month and if you get a chance, check out my “Em­brace Your Pas­sion” work­shop, cur­rently tour­ing the United States. You can find a list­ing at JosephADrol­sha­gen/Events.

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