Self-Love, The Happiness Experiment

Hello, Hello, hello every­one! And wel­come to Coaches Cor­ner for April 2019! Can I get a woo hoo? The rea­son I’m so ex­cited about it be­ing April is be­cause as we con­tinue with The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment, April is ded­i­cated to Self-Love! What bet­ter fo­cus can there be to­wards up­ping your level of hap­pi­ness than in­creas­ing your self-love?! And this month we are go­ing to dis­cuss some awe­some aware­ness’s and pow­er­ful tools to in­crease your self-love and self-care for your­self.

It’s time to re­ally open up the flood gates of self-love, self-ac­cep­tance and re­ally, for re­al­iz­ing (maybe for the first time for some) how freak­ing awe­some YOU are! How im­por­tant you are to the bet­ter­ment of this world. How needed your unique gifts and tal­ents are NOW! It’s time to put away all the pat­terns of rea­sons of what and why you don’t de­serve to live in a state of bliss and hap­pi­ness. Dis­card the ways you don’t be­long, how you’re not good enough, de­serv­ing enough and any of the other neg­a­tive thoughts you have about your­self. This is your time, in a safe way to take off the masks that you wear and start get­ting in touch with your au­then­tic self.

(You can listen to the audio version of this article, look further down.)

Can you see why I’m feel­ing so ex­cited?!

Now, in or­der to shift into re­al­iz­ing how in­cred­i­bly awe­some you re­ally are, we need to bring to con­scious­ness the pat­terns and par­a­digms we are taught from early child­hood, that built that lim­it­ed­ness. The par­a­digms about “fit­ting in”. Be­ing in­au­then­tic be­gins early in life. Around the time we be­gin kinder­garten. The sys­tem of school­ing poi­sons our un­der­stand­ings about our “Unique-Self”. Chil­dren are placed in one of two cat­e­gories. Pass or Fail. Please don’t mis­un­der­stand me. My in­ten­tion is not to dis­credit the school­ing sys­tem, al­though I do have a vi­sion for an ed­u­ca­tional en­vi­ron­ment that is based on in­di­vid­u­al­ism. I’m not sure any­one would dis­agree with me that the pre­sent sys­tem is based on con­for­mance. Then, from school, we set out into find­ing our life work, where many get lost in be­ing “our job” or mold­ing them­selves into job de­scrip­tions. The more we con­form, the fur­ther we move away from who we are au­then­ti­cally, as unique in­di­vid­u­als. Con­form­ing spreads through every area of life. It flows into our so­cial lives, ac­tiv­i­ties, fam­i­lies, where we live, the type of house we live in. And it con­tin­ues on and on (as the song goes) through­out our lives.

I can’t tell you the num­ber of peo­ple I come across that have spent decades of their life in this self-mold­ing pat­tern of not be­ing enough, not mea­sur­ing up, un­til at some point they re­al­ize they have no idea who they are. This typ­i­cally fol­lows some sort of tragedy in their life. Like a di­vorce, ac­ci­dent, ill­ness or fi­nan­cial sit­u­a­tion. And I am re­fer­ring to the more for­tu­nate. There are count­less oth­ers that move into the af­ter­life never ex­pe­ri­enc­ing their au­then­tic self.

Don’t be­lieve me? Try tak­ing out a clean piece of pa­per and at the top writ­ing “Who am I”. Then start writ­ing. I’d be will­ing to bet you ini­tially start by writ­ing what you do, your “life’s ti­tles”. Maybe even phrases like “A child of God”. But I sup­port you in go­ing deeper. What does be­ing a “Child of God” mean to you? You will find in­di­vid­ual ex­er­cises in The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment Face­book group to as­sist you in de­ter­min­ing the “Who” in place of “what”.

Dur­ing my many con­ver­sa­tions with peo­ple I come across, what I hear when I ask some­one, “Who are you” is typ­i­cally their life ti­tles, hus­band/wife, child/par­ent, race, na­tion­al­ity. I hear many things that fall into the “de­scrip­tion of what I do” vs “who I am”, but not much in re­gards to the per­son they are. And it re­ally is­n’t your fault. It goes back to all the pro­gram­ming we go through. It makes ro­bots out of hu­man be­ings.

Wal­lace Wat­tles says: “think­ing is the hard­est work in the world, that’s why most peo­ple don’t do it”.

All that can change this month for you! This month I want to of­fer you an op­por­tu­nity to en­ter into an ex­per­i­ment with me. An ex­per­i­ment in iden­ti­fy­ing your au­then­tic self, out­side the pat­terns and par­a­digms you’ve lived with up to this point. I have not yet met a woman or man, to date, that ex­pe­ri­ences real, true hap­pi­ness that does­n’t have a clear un­der­stand­ing of who they are au­then­ti­cally! The peo­ple that are liv­ing life fully, ex­pand­ing their con­scious­ness, ex­pe­ri­enc­ing abun­dance of love, fi­nances and hav­ing huge im­pacts on this world have a clear un­der­stand­ing of their au­then­tic selves. They know WHO they are. They know their awe­some qual­i­ties. They know the feel­ing proud of who they are in all sit­u­a­tions. They also know they are not per­fect, and don’t ex­pect them­selves to be. On top of that, they are not afraid of their im­per­fec­tions. They fo­cus on ac­cen­tu­at­ing the pos­i­tives and al­low­ing the neg­a­tives to take care of them­selves. In other words, they are able to see their weaker qual­i­ties in con­junc­tion with their strengths.

As an ex­am­ple, I love speak­ing, writ­ing, coach­ing and all the works I do to spread my mes­sage:

“Life is In­tended to be Lived with Pas­sion!”

One area I would­n’t con­sider my­self su­per strong is all the or­ga­niz­ing of the busi­ness and keep­ing up on the back end of things that needs to hap­pen in or­der to build a strong busi­ness. I am more into the build­ing and de­liv­er­ing of con­tent than I am with post­ing so­cial me­dia, email lists and things that could re­ally as­sist me in in­creas­ing the num­ber of peo­ple I can im­pact. Once I was able to un­der­stand and ad­mit this weak­ness to my­self, I was able to hire some­one who’s spe­cialty is or­ga­niz­ing, keep­ing up my email lists, fol­low­ing up with leads and over­all or­ga­niz­ing. This not only helps me re­main strong in the busi­ness end of what I’m do­ing, it helps me give the per­son do­ing my or­ga­niz­ing an op­por­tu­nity to do what she loves!

Un­der­stand­ing and ac­cep­tance of our weak­nesses is a means to­wards ex­pan­sion!

But only when we do so in a self- con­struc­tive man­ner. This is dif­fer­ent than us­ing our weak­nesses to give our­selves the per­mis­sion to put a good ass whoop­ing on our­selves. If dur­ing the ex­er­cises within The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment this month, you find your­self get­ting down on your­self, just reach out to me. Typ­i­cally it only takes me a few min­utes to help shift pat­terns and get back to con­struc­tively re­view­ing and ac­cept­ing view­ing weak­nesses as a great strength!

I promise you that at the end of this ex­per­i­ment you are go­ing to see more of your true self. The “more” is heav­ily de­pen­dent on the amount you lean into com­pre­hen­sion, ex­per­i­ment­ing with the ex­er­cises and ap­ply­ing this to your life. You’ll have some tools on ways to cel­e­brate your­self and the true gift you are to this world. For April, there are some re­ally en­light­en­ing ex­er­cises in The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment on the Face­book Group. You are go­ing to be amazed at how much fun, ex­cite­ment and en­light­en­ment you’re go­ing to gain this month!

Over­all, my friends, there is no way around the fact that your life is what­ever you make of it. You hold within you, the power to cre­ate any­thing (and I mean any­thing) that you want to ex­pe­ri­ence in this life­time. The num­ber of years we each live is lim­ited. Your life does­n’t have to be!!

For all of you that have said yes to step­ping into ex­per­i­ment­ing with in­creas­ing the amount of hap­pi­ness you ex­pe­ri­ence in your every­day life, I ap­plaud you! You have opened the door into liv­ing a life you ab­solutely love! A life of ful­fill­ment, of true hap­pi­ness! I am ex­cited for you and for all of you that con­tinue to reach out to me, in or­der to get the most out of this ex­pe­ri­ence, I’m hum­bled!

Re­mem­ber, this is your op­por­tu­nity to re­ceive coach­ing at no cost! If through the ex­er­cises, you have ques­tions, com­ments or could use a bit more ex­pla­na­tion, reach out on the The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment Face­book page or IM me. my whole goal is to serve you in bring­ing even more HAP­PI­NESS into your every­day life!!

We are two months away from the con­clu­sion of this ex­per­i­ment! And next month, I have a spe­cial gift for every­one in­volved! A su­per ex­cit­ing por­tion of this over­all ex­per­i­ment. You will have to be in­volved in the Face­book group The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment in or­der to take ad­van­tage of this gift. So if you haven’t al­ready joined the group, click on The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment and click on Join. You’ll be able to go back through the first three months and in­crease your level of hap­pi­ness in your every­day life, re­gard­less of your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, the cir­cum­stances you find your­self in or the con­di­tions sur­round­ing you!

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